Guangzhou Yishengsheng Chemical Co., Ltd.


23 years focus on providing industrial pigment solutions

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   Carbon black, also known as carbon black, is an amorphous carbon. Light, loose and very fine black powder with a very large surface area ranging from 10~3000m2/g. It is a carbonaceous material (coal, natural gas, heavy oil, fuel oil, etc.) that undergoes incomplete combustion or thermal decomposition under insufficient air conditions. And the product. The proportion is 1.8-2.1.   The one made from natural gas is called "gas black", the one made from oil is called "lamp black", and the one made from acetylene is called "acetylene black". In addition, there are "slot black" and "furnace black". According to the performance of carbon black, there are "reinforcing carbon black", "conductive carbon black", "wear-resistant carbon black" and so on. It can be used as a black dye, used to make Chinese ink, ink, paint, etc., and also used as a reinforcing agent for rubber.
   According to records, China is one of the first countries in the world to produce carbon black. In ancient times, people burned animal and vegetable oils and pine branches to collect black ash from the smoke and used them to make ink and black paint. This kind of black ash, which is called "soak", is the earliest carbon black.
In 1821, people used natural gas as a raw material to produce carbon black for the first time in North America. Since then, carbon black is no longer as simple as "soot". It is "gas or liquid hydrocarbons that undergo incomplete combustion or thermal cracking under conditions of insufficient air. The amorphous carbon produced by the decomposition is a loose, light and extremely fine black powder". Large tracts of oil and gas fields have been exploited one after another, and the continuous supply of raw materials has promoted the production of carbon black from manual operation into the era of large-scale industrialization.
   In 1912, it was discovered that carbon black has a reinforcing effect on rubber. Since then, carbon black has gradually become an indispensable raw material for the rubber industry. The raw material consumption of the world's rubber industry ranks first in raw rubber, and carbon black is the second; in other words, carbon black has become the most consumed rubber compounding agent. The consumption of carbon black generally accounts for 40% to 50% of the consumption of rubber. That is to say, in the rubber formulation, usually 1 part of carbon black is used with every 2 parts of rubber.
What is the detailed introduction and origin of carbon black?
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