Guangzhou Yishengsheng Chemical Co., Ltd.


23 years focus on providing industrial pigment solutions

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  Safety and environmental protection
  Auxiliary agents are mostly hazardous chemicals, some are flammable, some are explosive, and many of them are more toxic. Fires, explosions, and poisoning must be avoided to ensure personal and property safety. Fully implement the HHSE (Safety, Health and Environment) concept.
Many adhesive additives have a certain degree of toxicity and pollution, and must be paid enough attention. Some have been identified as carcinogens, such as antioxidant D, nitrosamine release accelerator (NOBS), styrene , Benzene, chloroform, dibromoethane, vinyl chloride, trichloropropanol, formaldehyde, amphibole, tris(2,3-dibromopropyl) phosphate flame retardant, etc. Some are suspected of being carcinogenic, such as 264 antioxidants (BHT), cyclohexylamine, white block, oleic acid, dichloro, ethane, trichloroethylene, tetrachloroethylene, MOCA., m-phenylenediamine, Aniline, brominated diphenyl ether flame retardants, acrylamide, N,N-dimethylaniline, N,N-dimethyl-p-toluenediamine, etc. Carbon tetrachloride is highly toxic, has strong irritation and narcotic properties. Hexane, which was considered a non-toxic solvent in the past, is also highly toxic. Inhalation of high-concentration vapor can anesthetize the nerves, cause poisoning, and cause paralysis or even paralysis in severe cases. The incubation period is about 0.5 to 1 year. It has occurred in China since 1997. Numerous incidents of paralysis by n-hexane poisoning. Drinking 7-8g of methanol at a time can cause blindness, and drinking more than 30g will cause death. Toluene diisocyanate, di-n-butyltin dilaurate, coal tar, maleic anhydride, ethylenediamine, sodium pentachlorophenate, etc. all have greater toxicity. Long-term inhalation of quartz powder and silicon micro-powder can cause silicon deposition disease. In 1998, it was discovered that some quartz powder factories in Guangzhou, workers who had been working for 2 years had contracted silicon deposition disease. Nano-silica particles are finer and may suffer from "nano diseases". It is worth noting. A foreign report in January 2004 showed that nanoparticles can damage the environment and accumulate in animal organs. The damage caused by nanoparticles to the lungs is more serious and weird than ordinary toxic dust.
The widely used phthalate plasticizers have an impact on health and the environment, and are suspected of showing certain estrogenic activity, which can cause endocrine disorders. In 1998, the Japanese Environment Agency listed DOP as "suspected that may cause endocrine disorders." substance". In addition, phthalates are difficult to degrade when emitted into the air, and they have become global pollutants. Analysis and determination have confirmed that it is contained in rivers, lakes, reservoirs, drinking water, air, soil and sewage sludge. Phthalates exist to varying degrees, mainly DBP and DOP. Halogenated hydrocarbon solvents and freon blowing agents are the primary culprits of destroying the ozone layer in the atmosphere; their use should be limited or prohibited. Although halogen-containing flame retardants are added in a small amount and have good flame retardant effects, they will produce a large amount of smoke and poisonous gas when burned, which will pollute the environment and endanger health. Ethylene glycol, a commonly used antifreeze for water-based adhesives, does not have a direct effect on organisms, but ethylene glycol is highly toxic to organisms after being decomposed by animal liver. Propylene glycol, which is very toxic, can be substituted for ethanol. .The emulsifier NP (nonylphenol polyoxyethylene ether) has been classified as a "hormonal disruptor", also known as an "endocrine disruptor". The United Kingdom has completely banned its use since December 2002, restricting OP emulsifiers The use of foreign countries will gradually expand.
Details the safety and environmental protection of additives
Next:Introduction to the application range of aluminum silver paste
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