Guangzhou Yishengsheng Chemical Co., Ltd.


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  The structure of carbon black is expressed by the degree to which carbon black particles aggregate into a chain or grape shape. Carbon black composed of agglomerates composed of the size and shape of the agglomerates and the number of particles in each agglomerate is called high-structure carbon black. The oil absorption value is commonly used to indicate the structure. The larger the oil absorption value, the higher the structure of the carbon black, which is easy to form a spatial network channel and is not easy to damage. High-structure carbon black has fine particles, densely packed network chains, large specific surface area, and many particles per unit mass, which is conducive to the formation of chain conductive structures in polymers. Among many carbon black varieties, acetylene carbon black is the best. Carbon black particles with a wide particle size distribution can give polymers more conductivity than carbon black particles with a narrow distribution, and this phenomenon is explained by statistical methods. For carbon black with a wide particle size distribution, a small number of large-diameter particles need a huge number, and particles with a smaller diameter are compensated. Carbon black with the same average particle size distribution has a larger total number of particles than carbon black with a narrow distribution.
  Carbon black generally refers to carbon elementary particles, which are generally due to insufficient combustion of organic matter. The hydrogen and oxygen elements in it are converted into water. If the carbon element is not burned sufficiently, it will break away from molecules and form carbon black.
  Carbon black is composed of carbon, but it is usually classified as an inorganic pigment. Carbon black is a black powdery substance produced by incomplete combustion or thermal cracking of hydrocarbons in the gas phase. Due to different production processes, various products with different properties can be obtained through different process conditions.
1) Microstructure of carbon black
Carbon black particles have a microcrystalline structure. In carbon black, the arrangement of carbon atoms is similar to graphite, forming a hexagonal plane. Usually 3 to 5 such layers form a crystallite. Because each graphite layer of the carbon black crystallite Among them, the arrangement of carbon atoms is orderly, and the arrangement of carbon atoms between adjacent layers is disordered, so it is also called quasi-graphite crystal.
2) Particle size of carbon black
   The fineness of pigment carbon black particles can be as low as 5 nm. Generally speaking, carbon black particles do not exist in isolation, but multiple particles intersect each other through the carbon crystal layer to form chain branches. Different production processes can obtain carbon black particles with a very wide range of particle sizes. The products obtained by the lamp black production process are relatively rough, while the gas black production process can obtain fine products.
  Using the furnace black production process, carbon blacks of almost all particle size ranges can be obtained. For the same type of carbon black, the particle size is not exactly the same, showing a range of particle size distribution. Generally speaking, varieties with finer particles have a narrower particle size distribution.
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