Guangzhou Yishengsheng Chemical Co., Ltd.


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1. Store in an airtight tank indoors at a temperature of 15-40℃. Avoid direct exposure to sunlight, rain, or high temperatures. Ordinary aluminum-silver paste generally cannot exceed 200 degrees. If it is silica-coated aluminum-silver paste, it can withstand about 400 degrees. Of course, it has a certain relationship with the resin system of aluminum-silver paste.
2. Ensure that the storage temperature is not lower than 15°C, so in the winter in the north, it is best to store the aluminum-silver paste in a constant temperature warehouse.
3. Excessive jolts and vibrations should be avoided during transportation. Storage under certain conditions can cause partial separation of aluminum and solvent components. Therefore, high-speed stirring is forbidden during use to avoid damaging the shape of the silver flakes.
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